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Aug '16 - Hello, we are currently working on a complete system for the Rep 5 and also will offer that for the Z18 a bit later.
Mar '17 - I had about the same story: had to print a larger object and used the "special made for this" Z-Hips. I really spent about 50 printing hours in testing...
Jan '17 - The CTC works "out of the box", but you should have a look at our HBP System http://m.ebay.de/itm/IDE-Flashforge-CTC-Wanhao-Glas-Bauplattform-upgrade-V...
Dec '16 - Hello, this is a Problem that Simplify has for a while now. You have to do several settings to activate the HBP. A year ago there was just one checkbox...
Jul '16 - Hi, i just saw that it costs almost 5000€ compared to about 1750€ for the M200. I did not expect that people will buy that.