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Dec '15 - Waiting for a FULL API implementation yikes… I was just going to write a shell script to wget, stick a button into it, browse it, punch the button and...
Dec '15 - One of the primary things I like to add to any conversation (except this one) is pictures, mjpg and links. I take pictures during the prints to keep cu...
Dec '15 - Nearly tried it. I hate to kinda do it because it ends up being the way the customer learns to submit orders. Also, clearly someone is aptitude to canc...
Dec '15 - Yikes. I wouldn't want people tagging customers with 'bad' labels. Customers have bad days. Sometimes they take it out on people. I don't think this is...
Dec '15 - I also assume keeping supports in might be necessary if an item is shipped. I add in single sided razor blades to help removal. I do assume they would...
Dec '15 - Does anyone have a CSV generator from a 3dhubs Order? Or something that allows me to print labels for each parts bag, and a way to check off parts and...
Dec '15 - Going great so far! Several house moms, students picking up things, dogs. Free doughnuts, cookies, cupcakes, fruit drinks, old coffee (by now), beef je...
Nov '15 - As far as I know… There IS no-one in charge other than they asked people to show printed stuff, maybe let people see the printers, give out coffee, dri...
Nov '15 - Can we add a qr code to access our hub? I don't want to infringe upon copyright.
Oct '15 - I know Jesse McCabe in Michigan made a hand and also makes robot arms.