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Jun '15 - Gents, I've enjoyed last two years as Mayor for 3D-Hubs. Looking back, the community brought us much. "…learned more than 1,5 years of Googling…| "feel...
May '15 - Gents, A short update on the Eindhoven area. Next week a lot of things are happening!.. 1) Dutch Technology Week 2015 Amazing programme next week: Scie...
May '15 - Hi Hubs & 3D printing enthusiasts! We'd like to invite you to the first Eindhoven 3D Hubs Filament Workshop, organized in collaboration with Colorfabb....
Jan '15 - 3D-printing promised (amongst others) abundance in a way. 3D-printing makes life easier, as we can create anything now and our time spend on acquiring...
Jul '14 - Remember…"There is no such thing as failure. There are only results" (unknown) "Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk ab...