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Jan '16 - I'm really impressed with the work you've put into it so far. Good job. If the temp is going down you've put your thermistor wires backwards at the mot...
Nov '17 - You didn't send the OBJ, but it looks to me like you've got some flipped normals there. Not sure how to correct it in 3DSMax, but if you have Windows10...
Sep '17 - Obviously the problem is your feed system. Either the toothed gear is stripped in parts and needs to be replaced, the motor isn't connected well, or th...
Jun '17 - Sounds to me like a deformed nozzle. Try switching for another and see if that makes the problem go away.
Apr '17 - What's "cat-eye" mean. Listen, normally a picture is worth 1000 words, but you've already pasted a picture and all I'm hearing is "blah blah blah". Can...
Jul '16 - I know some versions of Makerbots has trouble with loose wiring. I'd check to be sure all your connections, even into the motheboard, are tight.
Oct '16 - Woah, "Use Ctr+F and paste one of the terms below to search for it"? Do you hate your users? Got something against links to anchor points? In fact you...
Jul '16 - Sorry, you say you're using a Makerbot and a CTC? Or does the CTC use the Makerbot Desktop software to print? Either way, check your level. It looks li...
Mar '15 - Hers my experience http://joes3dworkbench.blogspot.com/2015/01/finally-committing-to-simplify3d.html Joe's 3D Workbench: Finally committing to Simplify...
Mar '15 - A little while back I documented how I divide models into different parts in Blender. The advantage to using blender is I can create holes for pegs tha...