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Oct 2016

Hi, all!

I see that my post made a little commotion, sorry for that! To make it clear I’m not trying to pretend a random customer, as it’s stated in my profile bio I work in ZMorph as a Community Manager so sorry for a misunderstanding.

HUGE THANKS for your contribution @American_3D and @Joseph_1 we’ve already updated our dictionary with your input! :slight_smile:

Why I asked you for help? We noticed that the knowledge about 3D printing is dispersed in various materials and there’s lack of one source with comprehensive answers to basic 3D printing terms and that’s why we created this 3D printed dictionary. We know that we don’t have all the answers that’s why we keep asking :slight_smile:

When it comes to the not user-friendly ctrl + f case - it’ll be replaced with hyperlinks as soon as we update the blog backend :slight_smile: Thanks again for the help!

"we gathered all the terms you need to know"
Almost all your “terms” have “zmorph” in the description. Your intent is to inform people about your products, not 3d printing in general. Calling your marketing material the “Ultimate 3D Printing Dictionary” is intellectually dishonest. Asking people on this forum for content, who spend their time trying to help others and clear up misinformation, is offensive.