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Nov '15 - I'd be interested-I'm open to most anytime!
Jun '15 - Hi Scott! long time since I tormented you folks! on the first meet, it was my first week @ Wally Werld,and I'm on the 3rd shift, and too exhausted to m...
Jul '15 - The best fix is coming via 3.8 rerlease, I guess they're gonna fix a lot of this shown stuff then. @ least they claim to be focusing on that now, as a...
May '15 - I met up with the Tiko @ Nordeast Makers location, they're running a couple deltas there, and lasers and CNC's.
May '15 - I'm curious if you need 100% infill, or lower, and am also interested in helping you! Johnny ( Captain Canardly) https://www.3dhubs.com/minneapolis/hub...
Feb '15 - Hi Joseph! I haven't paid for any printing, but I have 20 months undermy belt of specific file constructions for your survey- that's a whole story by i...
Feb '15 - Sounds like the defaults are set to a single extruder, but the project file is reading the on and offs- go through the basic setup manual several times...
Feb '15 - I wanted to explain a bit more in depth of "has anyone paid for printing" but needed to cut it short for lack of space ( visible, anyway) Thanks! Johnn...
Feb '15 - Threads were my very first project for my 2X,first of , ( my reference is Makerware 2.4) how large is the 'zipper'- the location where the layers start...
Feb '15 - Igot 2hrs per single, 100% fill@80 speed