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Nov '16 - I use a can of compressed air upside down to cool off the base of the parts, and then I use a thin spatula to pry the part off. https://www.amazon.com/...
Sep '16 - I agree! The I3 is simply, quite literally, amazing.
Nov '16 - Make sure the belts are very tight.
Oct '16 - I agree, most likely the end stop is bad. If not, then it would be your logic board going.
Oct '16 - Hello! Glue is used to help with platform adhesion. I would not recommend it beacuse it can be very messy and there are better solutions. I use blue pa...
Sep '16 - Hi Robert! Two issues come to my mind. The first is under-extrusion. Set your flow rate to 100% and make sure your filament size is correct. If that do...
Aug '16 - Hi Chris! A few suggestions: make sure the flow rate is set to 100% and also make sure that the filament size (diameter) is set correctly in your slice...
Aug '16 - Hello Fellow 3D Printer Enthusiasts, I am working with a friend on a project to enlarge a Prusa Mendal I3 off-brand printer to print objects 500x500mm....
Apr '16 - Look at where the fans connect to the wires and more importantly, where the wires connect to the circuit board. Does that connection seem loose? If you...
Mar '16 - Hello everybody! My name is Sam Johnson, and I thought I would introduce myself here on Talk. I own a Prusa I3 and have Autodesk Inventor. I am rather...