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Jun '17 - I used to only recommend STL files but more and more I find myself saving in OBJ as the file sizes are sometimes much smaller
Dec '15 - These look great! anyone in australia that would like a free print feel free to send my hub a message!
Jan '17 - are you printing in FDM or SLS?
Oct '16 - how are you checking if its scaled correctly?
Jul '16 - when you said thinned to make it less stiff, you might have issues with strength. what infill are you prinitng it in? have you considered molding it in...
Jul '16 - Hi Dave, the cost will be approx $100 aud to produce the part, feel free to message us at our hub, http://3dprintingguy.com 3dprintingguy.com
Apr '16 - gday mate! the first step is finding a file that you want to print, more than likely you wont find it on thingiverse or youmagine but if you can find i...
Feb '16 - have you looked at http://onshape.com onshape.com
Feb '16 - another great design Andrew! looking forward to printing this for the kids
Dec '15 - as Marius mentioned, changing it to 0.15 wont actually print well if you dont change the nozzle, but its a good way of determining if thats the reason...
Dec '15 - great design mate! looking fwd to printing it out
Nov '15 - looks great! another amazing thing to print!
Jun '15 - try and print it with the text in the z orientation
Jun '15 - Gday Andy! Im Chris from Melbourne, Australia