Check your z movement speed. What happens if you do a 20mm z lift do the motors sound bad or stutter? I’ve had issues like this and that z max speed was the culprit
Tim, nope thats just wrong. The belts and leadscrew accuracy should be close enough ( unless you have really crappy hardware ) to be within tolerances. The real issues as others have mentioned in the thread: 1) steps per mm for each axis based on hardware. Use the prusa calculator thats why he pr…
Chris, you should have no changes made to the x/y/z steps per millimeter values - those are/should be constant. If you are using GT2 belts for x/y and 16-tooth with 1/16 microstepping your steps/mm are 100 ( read up RepRap Calculator - Original Prusa 3D Printers ). If you are printing a circle patt…
Can we get a feature for material/color choices per part? I’ve had a few orders where people want different materials and colors for a single order. For instance printing Pocket PiGRRL by adafruit - Thingiverse - there will be at least ABS or PLA ( or other ) in one color and then ninjaflex/semifle…
Interesting, I found PLA on the PEI sheet was actually really awesome. I have http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013HJBA4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref\_=oh\_aui\_detailpage\_o07\_s00 . When the prints are done ,most of the time pla parts just pop right off I found that with the 3m tape I just could not …
Cool, glad you got it figured out. There is a really nice resource over at bukobot that I have been using for a while now and it works great. Lots less painful than a full tear-down. nozzle-cleaning [Bukobot 3D Printer Instructions & Docs] Its a really great article and shows exactly what to look f…
Did you get this figured out? A few other possibility Printing too close to the bed Clog in the hot end Clogged extruder hob ( eg bits of plastic in between the teeth )
What diameter do you have cura set for? The default is 2.85 and given you reset that can have a similar effect. As I recall the prints it is 1.75
not sure how I can message directly from the forum. email is bilsch at gmail dot com. The google group for the columbus 3d printing meetup: Redirecting to Google Groups I’m also active on there. Other people on the group may also be interested and worthwhile.
rob, assuming you are in town today there is a 3d printing meetup tonight. http://www.columbusideafoundry.com/ The event starts around 7 and goes fairly late. I’m also happy to meet / talk. Another good contact would be ethan dicks