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11 / 19
Dec 2015

I believe I’m not on my own when I say I have received ZERO work since implementation of the recent changes ie HD Hubs coming on line and the accounting changes. I’ve seen various similar reports from other Hub members - and responses from 3D Hubs spokespersons. I have to admit I’m not impressed or convinced by their (3D Hubs) response to members concerns - I think a little truth would go a long way. Lets face it the day of the small 3D print enthusiast offering a viable print service are long gone as far as 3D Hubs are concerned - we have served our purpose and are now surplus to their requirements. Can’t see much point being a member of this community anymore. Would appreciate other members comments.

  • created

    Nov '15
  • last reply

    Feb '16
  • 18


  • 1.4k


  • 6


Hi @stevec121, thanks for the feedback! As much as we would like to ensure a steady order flow for all Hubs, unfortunately it’s not possible :frowning: We’re trying to do our best to pass along all good tips we hear along the way on How to Hub though, so hope the followings will help boost your Hub activity in the near future.

Basically all tips below ultimately converge into one really important ‘marketing’ tool: word of mouth. So here are a few ways on how to translate that into your business:

  1. Promote your Hub both offline and online to family, friends and co-workers, either through social media or by attending events, meetups, conferences, even at the local pub :wink: Albeit a bit time consuming, it is a sure way of getting your name and skills out there. Think about it, we put a lot of faith in the advice and recommendations of people we know, so next time someone in Birmingham will need a 3D print, make sure that one of your friends/ acquaintances will recommend you.
  2. Next time you get an order, go above and beyond to create a memorable customer experience - these are the customers that will always come back to 3D print at your Hub and will also recommend you to their circles
  3. Share cool prints/ projects here on Talk, we always share them on our social channels, giving credit of course. I can see you both have awesome prints featured on your page, so go ahead!

We’re currently working on a How to Hub Handbook and we’ll soon cover more ways on how to promote your Hub! In the mean time though, let us know if any other issues and we’ll be happy to help!

Maybe it’s the Talk fairy, but I see you already receive 2 enquiries today :slight_smile:

Good luck with those and happy printing!


Hi Steve,

I mostly agree to your statement.

If you ask any stranger if he would like to have an item with any nameor the same product with a “+”, “HD” or anything that sounds better, I bet that person would pick the later.

The same is happening with 3dHubs (HD) in my opinion. Whilst the 99% of hubs that run FFF or SLA printers can produce really good products for a great price the “HD” version is still more appealing to unknown consumers.

I don’t think, that we (The FFF users) will completely vanish from 3dHubs, but it’s totally correct to say that the order amount will decrease when there’ll be more of a focus on those “HD” or instustrial purpose printers.

I think 3dHubs should promote the majority of hubs a bit more.

Why not say something like: HD is a service for parts that need outstanding surface quality (compared to average 3d prints), however FFF or SLA printers are often way cheaper, sometimes closer to the customer and (in the case of FFF) offer a lot of different materials that CAN (!) even outscale “HD” prints when you need something functional.

I think that 3d printing and maybe even 3dHubs will turn into a “do or die” for many hubs. The more advanced the 3d printing technology gets the least hubs can keep up with upgrading their printers or buying the newest one to supply the customers with outstanding prints. For most the decision will be between giving up 3dHubs (at least as a reliable source of income, if that was ever the case) or starting a business. Then again if everyone starts a business then there’s the same competition and the same problems, just on a higher level of costs.

I will go into more detail with my opinion and possible solutions to get the best experience, not only for customers, but also for hubs of any size, but for now I need to catch a bus to get to work :confused:

Have a nice day, I’ll get back to this ASAP, maybe you can comment on this even earlier to have a discussion rather then just two people saying their opinion.


Marius Breuer

15 days later
24 days later
11 days later
11 days later

I’m back again just to report that business seems to have picked up substantially and steadily again, now that the dreadful HD promo is over. Curios to find out if anybody else has noticed more orders coming in again since the HD promo ended a week or two ago.

I really hope future promos do not have such negative effects on our Hubs like this HD promo may have…