Has anyone come across parts for XYZ printers? I need to replace the idler wheel in my printer and do not want to spend the money to change out the entire hotend. I’m rather happy with the XYZ design except the aluminum idler wheel.
If you find one let me know I need one too. Although I’m considering putting in a bowden set up in like on the pro.
Well I didn’t find any parts at all. So I took the aluminum idler wheel to a machine shop and had a stainless steel washer countersunk into the back side of the part. Works much better now.
That’s interesting. I didn’t know the pro had a Bowden style. I have been working with a lot of printers lately, and now I’m starting to understand how well these printers are designed (with the exception of a couple things of course). If the pro had dual extruders and a bigger bed than the duo size I’d go for it.
I was thinking I was going to have to machine something up myself. If I go that route I’ll put rc helicopter bearings in it. Fix the wobble and wear issues for good.
I’ve just been looking for a replacement printer head for my Da Vinci Jr. The US XYZ store sells them but doesn’t ship outside of US. The EU store only sells printer bed tape!!! WTF.
Studica. Ca is the Canadian retailer for replacement DaVinci parts. Table , replacement print heads for dv 1.0 and 2.0 for sure. I purchased the new table and ended up with it cracked and chipped after a long print. So if you need glass replacement spend the money on tempered glass like what’s used in oven doors. Most places the minimum charge is 3sq/ft but it still works out to under $30 CAD here in Ontario. I haven’t priced out spray adhesive to stick the heater to the new glass but I’m sure the hardware store can help.