Hello, I need assitance with my model and applying XTC 3D smoothing finishing on my SLS nylon printed model. I need to experiment on how this finishing will work on my models. Let me know if someone has experience with this before. Would appreciate any feedback.
- Cover your hands with gloves and the working surface with aluminum foil (not old newspapers like me) This product is very sticky and hard to remove. I damaged the lavatory in my bathroom trying to clean the brush I used to apply it.
- Just buy a cheap brush and discard it at the end.
- Also, try to ventilate the area because the smell is toxic.
- When you are preparing the mix, don’t pour too much liquid or it will harden very very fast, releasing a lot of heat (that happened to me once and I ended up with the mixing plastic cup solid, the hardened mix inside).
- Apply the coat fast when the mix is ready, and try not to let the piece drip
- Don’t use too much material
- When you finish let it rest and don’t touch it for hours
Still waiting for the XTC to be shipped. Quick question, whats been your best experience with having a smooth finishing on Nylon. I feel like even with polishing, it still doesn’t feel as good. Im printing an specialized iPhone adapter but need to make it sturdy as I need to attach an external device to it. Any recommendations for any other materials or finishing that I could look into?