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Jun 2016

Hi Hinloopen, a great question! I represent Fila-cycle.co.uk too and we have been active in this area for a good few years. It would be very interesting to find out. We currently use the existing waste streams, e.g. not from households but from the industries themselves. However we have experimented with a retail collection facility. Let’s see if you get any answers…


great questions! we are trying to start filament recycling in Australia and are interested in this area too!

Thanks for the support!

I’m following the principles of Business Model Generation, in order to fill all of the aspects of setting up a new business with many possibilities, and I’m trying to determine the most viable combinations. However, the input from potential future customers is vital to the recycling model succeeding, so this is where I’m trying to gather that.



Hi Scott! I don’t know if you’re able to, but can you hint towards wherein the facility succeeded or failed? It could be useful! By the way, I’m doing this project completely out in the open, and I’m not interested in protecting it for my own gains. I just want to live in a healthier world, which will benefit me in the end as well.

Hi Jochem,

At the moment our core business collects from recycled plastics manufacturers, that is to say we have a number of partnerships whereby we purchase recycled plastics, treat them, create filament from them, package and produce the fila-cycle brand.

We are connected with a number of global recycled plastic specialists that look at existing waste streams of plastic that are currently land filled to help them try and find a market. I cannot say too much about this due to NDA’s with the other businesses.

Also, we have experimented with retail collection. Collecting empty 3d Printed spools, cleaning and respooling them, makes for a great circular economy product. However, this is small scale testing at the moment due to the recycled filament having a niche market.

Additionally we work with Universities that specifically study and work in the Circular Economy, of which plastics plays a vital role. For example, looking at Ocean waste, fishing nets etc etc.

If more people purchased Fila-cycle 100% recycled materials then we could speed all these experiments and services up :wink:

But selling recycled plastics can be tough due to the stigma other recycled products have gained, even though the fila-cycle quality is fantastic and award winning

Please drop me an email for more information : scott@fila-cycle.co.uk

Kind regards


I’ll be sure to do that! Thanks for the introduction, Scott!

It would be so easy if everybody realized that any product they purchase is in essence made from recycled material… It all served a different purpose before…

I would prefer dropping them off at a local business or store and then either having a tag or something so people can recieve their share of filament when they come back.

Thanks for your reply! Would you prefer to have your own old prints back as filament (which means a little wait), or would you take filament that’s already been recycled back with you?

Alright, thanks for the input! So if I understand correctly, you would prefer to access the service from your home?

Yeah, It seems more cost effective on both ends to ship to one location for recycling instead of installing hundreds of physical drop off bins. You could even team up with Staples and UPS in the US as they both offer 3D printing and shipping inside their stores. You could use them as a location for people without an address to drop off prints and have them shipped in the same prepaid boxes…