I would. it would drive the need to get things printed. There should be a Thingavers ish service. Hub owners submit their own work. Original content only. the customer gets a viewer with membership to view the files. then if they want to have them printed, refer back to the order process.
Hey Benjamin.
You can upload your designs to Sketchfab and allow download and/or 3D printing via 3DHubs. Wouldn’t that amount to the same thing?
July 27, 2015, 7:42am
Hi @Roundtable
Can you please rephrase the question? I can’t figure out what you are asking
it would, but it is also yet another website you have to register with, link accounts with, keep up to date, answer messages through, etc etc etc, I would love to see an archieve on 3D hubs where I can upload items that can be printed! its all in one place then.
I already have Thingiverse accounts, youmagine, sketchup grabcad…etc accounts, I realy do not want to have to create another!
Yes thingiverse has “Some” link to models that can be printed on 3D hubs, but you some be part of some special club to get that privalage. us normal people cant link there items!
Erm. Was that in answer to my post, @Marco_16 ? If so…
Think you’re gonna have to accept that you’ll always be registering on new websites as new services emerge. IMHO, Sketchfab is miles ahead of any other repository of 3D content…
The only site that’s anywhere close is Thingiverse. You’re right: The Thingiverse/3DHubs linkup seems to be rather restricted at this stage. My assumption is that it’s a trial and that it’ll be rolled out to a wider audience once any snags are ironed out. Any comment, @?
When all’s said and done, 3DHubs is intended for one purpose: To connect and enable people who want something 3D printed to people who’re willing to print for them. Printers can choose if they want to promote their design capability but that’s not the main aim. There are loads of ways you can promote your designs, both on 3DHubs and also off ( but linked ). I for one, applaud the way 3DHubs resists the temptations to over-extend their reach and seeks to enhance its service by making links with other sites.
If you’re proud of your designs, I would definitely recommend that you promote them on Sketchfab. You watch. in a few years, it’ll be the YouTube of 3D. Remember where you heard it first!
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True, we’re still testing Thingiverse so expect more form that to come in the very near future
Ya I guess what im getting at is if 3dhubs had a browsable database . while the customer shops, his google location is referenced and local printers registered through the hub would be gently suggested at the bottom of the screen. Im just an idea guy and am clueless what it would actually take to do such a thing