I have a necklace design with details. 2,4mm/1,7mm/0,15mm
What material would you suggest and any specific hub?
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Hi @Ava_Ironi, it really depends on the complexity of the design. Also where are you based? Adding a location to this thread will automatically notify all Hubs in your area.
Is it going to be a one of a kind or molded for production?
One of a kind, would suggest any castable resin, production any sla with almost any resin that will with stand cold mold.
I can do it for you, as soon as tomorrow for direct casting, or molding. Also can cast in any material so none of this is a concern…
Can print and ship Tuesday the 6th.
Can print / mold by Friday the 13th
Can print / cast into Metal by Friday the 13th
Can print / mold / cast by Tuesday the 16th.
Best I got
Cast in wax. I’m a jeweler that may be able to help. Mark Reyes G.G Oliverodesigns.com
I suggest you use PLA as it is easier to work with. I’ve made several small detail prints with PLA, with great success.
I could help you with those as soon as tomorrow.
Hi Ava,
I recommend our service Precision Wax’s Hub
regarding your measurement, if you would like to send to the caster your model, the the minimum recommending size should be 0.72
common question what costumer asking:
Before going ahead could you tell me the minimum advised thickness for printing in wax?
the casters recommend minimum 0.7mm wall thickness
I hope it will help.
kind regards,
Use castable resin preferently or wax.
One advise, if you plan to make molds of your design, consider to thicken your piece since .15 mm is not a good idea for a mold production. Nevertheless if it is only a one time piece, you may cast it without problems. Look at the hubs near Amsterdam. Have a nice day!
Hey Marc, are you able to leave your Hub link as a contact for Ava? Thanks
thank you for the advise. The measurements are actually 25mm/17mm/1,5mm

I am planning to do use it as a mold to create many more… would you recommend wax?
I have tried to production and one off with pla, nothing compared to SLA or WAX.
Dont waste time and money doing jewelry with non castable period.
If you have time to kill, forget pla and learn to hand carve wax.
Those are some very delicate measurements. That last measurement. Can I confirm that it is .15 mm? I may be able to help if the model checks out. 1robomaker hub
I do jewelry design and am now getting into the casting process. I use a Castable resin with a Formlabs Form 1+ printer . As I’ve seen others comment, your .15mm dimension might be trouble! I’ve gone as low as .8mm so far with success. Not sure of your location Ava but you can check out my hub https://www.3dhubs.com/hartford/hubs/mmc-design
Id be happy to help if this is convenient for you.
That thickness should work. Many of us would differ on the opinions regarding their printers. My only experience is with castable resin, having really niece details. Look for B9 printers, Formlab printers, Solus Printers. They all have castable resin and details are amazing (up to 6 microns in Z, 31 XY). If your budget can allow a wax printing, look for a Solidscape printer in your area. Avoid PLA, you can watch some PLA images on thingiverse and they are really bad.
PRECISION WAX is a 3D printing service for jewellers, designers, modellers and others who want to design their own custom pieces and have them fabricated in a cost-effective manner.
Our specialities are parts for Lost-Wax-Casting primarily in the following trades:
Jewellery making
Engineering prototypes
Scale modelling
Product design
Art & digital sculpture
Are you sure is 2,4 mm and not cm?? it’s so small. I would use the white filament that is so great or the orange one to see the details 
He has already mentioned 25mm/17mm/1,5mm, so it is a good size for jewelry. Hope this helps. Have a nice day.
That’s a good size… Wax or Castable resins work great for jewelry!
A piece this small needs to be done on a higher end machine - I have a crystal material I can run for you if you like.
Hello Ava,
I would recommend using the B9 creator castable resin (the red or the green).
Somethings that i know for sure about those resins 1- They can withstand up to 180 degree Celsius
2- You will be able to get the details that you are looking about easily.