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Jan 2016

Indeed, that’s a bit more complex. Obviously Hubs change filaments/filament suppliers more often than they do printers, so it’d be incredibly hard to keep that data up to date.

On the other hand, it’s quite clear that the filament market is fragmented and there’s no great guide for printer owners to compare and learn about materials.

We’ll think about a smart solution to work this out and fill this void, suggestions are welcome of course:)

It is indeed tricky because the filament market is so fragmented. I guess even the biggest filament producers only have a tiny market share. If you would represent the world’s filament producer on a graph, I guess that it would probably looks like that : 95% other, 5% big producers.

Maybe it would help to present the filament market share depending on the location (Europe, North America, Asia, etc). After all, I’m based in Europe and it is sometimes way too expensive to ship a US based filament to Europe so it would make sense to divide filaments market according to region.

I have a suggestion about the rating of the filament. I’m not a data scientist so bear with me if I don’t use the right terms.

-3D Hubs already knows which kind of filament is used for every print that is made on the platform.

-Customers already rate the prints that they order in order to give a quality rating. They actually rate both the printer and the filament in one rating. Let’s call it the global rating.

Would it be possible to “filter” the data in order to only get the filament rating? In other words, you would study how a filament influences the quality of a 3d printer’s global rating and then “subtract” the printer’s rating from the global rating to only get the filament rating.

For example, a good filament on a bad printer will probably have a better rating than a bad filament on the same bad printer. On the other hand, a bad filament on a good printer will probably have a worse rating than a good filament on the same good printer. If you could find the correlation between a printer quality and a filament quality, you would be able to find a statistically pertinent rating for filaments.

Does it makes sense? What do you think about it?

it will be difficult to let customers rate the filament . because in not only has to do with the printer. It also has a lot to do with settings! You can have a good printer and good filament with a bad result caused by poor settings

You’re right. Bad settings can create noise. On the other hand, a hub owner who has enough experience probably knows his machine and his filament very well.

Pretty cool article. Thanks for the awesome work Gauthier.

Currently we only have data on what material is being used (i.e ABS, PLA), not specifically on filament producers (like Colorfabb PLA). That might be something we could ask Hubs to specify in the future - it’d also be a great way to show customers what exaclty they’ll receive in term of material properties, color etc.

Once we differentiate materials in a such manner, it’d be possible to subtract the “printer effect” - we just need large enough pool of data.

There are two ways to approach: One is like our trend report, which is based on data from orders, including customer ratings. The other is asking our Hubs to review the materials they use and rate them (like we did for the 3D Printer Guide). I’d opt for the 2nd one - Hubs can provide more comprehensive data on their materials since they actually use them.

Great article! Very nice to see this sort of data collated and presented so nicely, good effort!

I would be keen to know which “special” filaments are gaining in popularity. Colour would also be interesting.

To be honest, I personally don’t think filament manufacturers/brands are all too important as we all have our own preferences anyways having invested time in getting our settings right for the filament brand we use. It would all become quite confusing for a customer if suddenly filament brands were listed… the customer wouldn’t be interested in that I can’t imagine.

I agree with you Bali, specifing which fliament we use on each order would really only work if we used 1 or 2 filaments, I use and swap around filaments from 6 different companies so would be very tricky if we allowed customers to specify filament as well as printers. 3D Filament Guide would be an awesome annual report!

That’s right. It might be an easier task to just make a filament guide once a year by asking a limited number of people to rate filaments. Gauthier actually already made an awesome job with his filament directory.

Still, I think that it would be interesting to know on a monthly basis what kind of filament the hubs worldwide really use and which one is trendy.

This kind of information is mostly useful for hubs owners because if they pick the good filament, they can improve the quality of their product. The filament brand name doesn’t have to be directly visible for customers on the interface. They already have enough trouble choosing between pla, abs or pet. :wink: