April 7, 2015, 8:28pm
Congratulations @AtomJaay
Nowyou can start printing lots of toys !!
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I was thinking baby shoes in NinjaFlex to start off.
Here is a detailed 3D printing instructable to help you offer this service through your Hub:
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Congratulations @AtomJaay ! Those prints must be so small
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This sounds awesome! Have you tried anything like that already?
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I haven’t actually tried it out, with all the hustle and bustle of late, but I did search for the files a while back and I came across some that you sew Velcro onto. https://www.myminifactory.com/object/leopard-shoes-by-michele-1497
This is awesome! One thing I did when I was making stamps from images, was export it as a SVG. You can then import that SVG in Tinkercad to get in ‘3D’.
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A stamp of this stamp would be a great addition to the project. I always forget to mirror when I make stamps and end up with a coin first.
Awesome stuff Adam, and congrats!!!
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Wow, wonderful!!! Congratulations!!
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Thanks @Paulina
If you know anybody who works with the Shapeways APP builder ShapeJS I would love to talk to them. I would really like to make this process a seamless shapeways experience that can create these from an uploaded image and add a backing plus custom text.
Download and order one through 3DHubs locally or directly from shapeways. Make some money for other Hubs and get a College Fund going for the little one.
@Filemon @Nikki @Alex3DHubs @gabriela3d
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Lots of great feedback and interest!
Hello everyone. I just have to give big props to @AtomJaay for having such a great idea. I saw this few days a go here and just thought its really cool. And while playing with my own creation for Instructables contest I came upon 3dprint article about this. Since I didn’t have anything to publish on my FB page I decided to just share this and added a comment that my shop can print these if someone wants. Atom saw this and responded with a comment to post on Instructables if I print some. His comment kindly reminded me that I forgot to ask if I may offer his work in my shop (3DHub). So I send him a message and we started to talk about this. He gave me his permission to use this and offered some collaboration. I think this could be a good example on how to approach designers, even if they relished their work on some free Creative Comons licence, and give them credit for their work. I think this is a great issue in 3D Printing these days (i’ve seen @flowalistik fighting a legal war with guy on Etsy selling and remodeling his work). So as Atom said to me simple “may I” is the right thing to do, and I think many makers and designers would be happy. And so here we are. My FB page just went crazy today with friends and some random people asking how to get one of these for their child. And now I’m happy I can say my little shop can print those for them. Thank you AtomJaay.
P.S. i digress, but is there any app for FB i can use to place 3DHubs like my Pinterest app or Twitter app. I did place the link for uploading files on my hub to the “shop now” button tho.
What you’ve done is the right way, and seeing the nature of this kind of design (more lovely and personal), I would have totally agreed to let anyone offer this kind of service. In my case, this guy (Travis Curran) ignored me for three months and he just tried to hide any image or listing where anyone could see that he had been selling. It looks like he didn’t know how the Google Caché worked. In your case, you’re the kind of people that will make this a better world, and I wish you all my luck with these tiny 3d printed feet!
I’m having a similar problem with a design rip off where all I am asking for is a mention. I’ve reached out many times and the guy just ignores me.
Original: https://twitter.com/gosphero/status/516986905573855232
Love the story guys! Awesome collaboration!!!