July 29, 2016, 4:41pm
Can anyone help? For some reason the front left corner of prints always seems to lift and warp and appears to shrink no matter whether it’s in the middle of the bed or off to one side. Same corner every time! Tends to be more noticable on squarer objects. Can anyone explain what could be causing this and how I can rectify it?
First make sure your bed is fully in parallel with the extruder all the time during a print. Try to get the spool right above the extruder and see if it gets better. Maybe the feeder skips when it pulls the filament. Go with 100 Micros to see how well it sticks to bed.
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Are you using a CTC printer? Does it have a heated bed with kapton tape?
100 microns => 0.1mm - layer height. Try it.
What surface prep are you printing on to? Straight onto kapton? Painters tape? If so is it still the tape that came with the printer?
July 30, 2016, 8:13am
It is a CTC Dual printer with a heated bed that has been used at various temperatures. It was printing fine up until yesterday on the exact same filament and temperature settings. Have attached pictures so you can see the corners. I believe the gold coloured covering on the print bed is Kapton tape sheet but as the roll I ordered hasn’t arrived yet I have no intention of printing straight onto it. Printer came with a red tape that had more of a masking tape appearance but that is long gone. Bed has been levelled several times testing for the same friction on the paper with both nozzles so therefore truly parallel. Current location of the printer means that I would need some successful prints of a filament holder to have the spool above the machine. As for the 100 microns…um…quite new to this and haven’t a clue where I would find such a setting, it is not one I have seen on makerware, is there another slicer you could recommend? (Cura doesn’t want to play).
July 30, 2016, 8:15am
Printing onto blue painters with gluestick, this is changed fairly frequently. What speeds would you suggest for the 0.1mm layer height?
I never go much faster than 60 or 70 mm/s on my CTC. Whatever height.
Our first printer was a CTC, once we figured out all of its little issues we got amazing prints from it! With PLA we can get prints to come out with zero warping. You do not want to print directly on the surface, the yellow kapton tape is good. As crazy as it might sound, spray the bed with a generous amount of hair spray before pre-heating it. Hope this helps, we would be glad to help you out any way we can. If you would like to see our setups and little tweaks we did to our feel free to email: contact@catalystspace.org