Thanks, I’ll check it out. I have been holding off due to cost since hair spray works pretty good overall. Just trying glue on ABS for the first time. First print was promising until a power blip killed the print!! Go figure!
Its actually not that bad in terms of cost. For me it was under $45 and it completely changed how I print. I used hair spray before and now I have two full cans collecting dust. The only thing I buy now is 90% pure isopropyl Alcohol from Walmart. I use it to clean the surface and to cool the part after a print. I can’t imagine a better surface. I tried FR4 based solution like PrintBite, but I was not impressed with the holding power. It holds well at temperature and the part comes off when the bed cools down. However, I still had issues with lifting on corners on small and large parts. I don’t trust it to hold my parts especially for long prints. I have full trust in PEI since there is no way for me to take the part off without damaging the bed when its heated. Once it cools down, you can pop the part right off with no effort. The only issue I have with PEI is that its transparent to IR light, so I have to coat it with black paint in order to use my IR height sensor. Other than that, its awesome.
Seemed like a good deal as it’s big enough to cover the FF Pro bed twice. If you look at the close-up photo you can see “3M” branding on the back. Should arrive tomorrow or the next day (I ordered the last one, hence the long delivery time shown now on that page) and I’ll report back once fitted and tested.
OK… another update. I’ve just completed my first print on my new PEI sheet and… it’s “OK”, but not perfect. There was some very slight warping to one corner of the model, not huge, but enough that I can’t send it out to the customer. The print was ABS, bed temp 90C, absolutely no adhesive at all, so it was a tough test.
I’m now printing another part at 100C bed (my normal ABS temp, I reduced it in the first test as a… test) so we’ll see how that goes. I’d rather not use any adhesive, but I’m thinking a tiny spray of adhesive will probably make it 100% warp free.
Anyway, so far it’s pretty good and I’m sure will be excellent for PLA, but it’s certainly not perfect first time…
You have to bump up temp for ABS. With all the layers of thermal resistance of glass, adhesive and even the PEI, the top of the bed may be 15C less than the temp on the heated bed.
I gave up on it for now. The expense and effort was not worth it. It still isn’t working well for ABS. I get much better results with hair spray or glue stick on glass and the effort really is minimal.
I need to get thinner glass to try again with mounting the PEI or make yet another shim!