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Oct 2016

Ok, so PEI. Any particular brand and place to get? How does it work over glass? I am thinking to try it on a glass plate I use so the whole thing can be removable.

You may get a reading, but you don’t know if the reading is accurate. The thermocouple thermometers are extremely accurate. I have four different meters and they all read withing .5 degrees difference without any calibration.

Well, this whole PEI experiment was a huge waste of money. I haven’t even been able to print with it. As the bed gets up to temp for ABS (100c) the PEI starts to curl and peel up all around the edges. The interesting this is the PEI sheet was perfectly flat as I installed it.

What adhesive did you use to stick it down? Did you really clamp it down when installing?

You need to install with the 3M 468MP double sided tape. Other types of adhesive can not handle the temperature without delamination. You can’t install the sheets on top and use clips either. It has to be bonded down to the glass with the tape to work. What type of bed surface are you using? Glass? Did you verify the surfaces are clean before you stuck the PEI sheet on it and verified all the bubbles are removed?

Here is another thing to try. Heat up the bed and put another sheet of glass over it and apply some weight over the bed to get the sheet to stick down. You will still need to put in clips along the edge to hold the glass plate down to the bed surface and it would go over the PEI sheets.

Thanks for the info. I bought exactly what I needed as you listed I believe.

I am bonding to boro glass and it was clean. A good scrub and rinse in HOT water, air dry then washed with alcohol and air dry.

I bonded the mat side of the PEI and as it heated it lifted and curled bad. I flipped it so the shinny side was down, which I really want up, and it is sticking for now.

I am going to try another later and this time heat the glue once install and then weight it. Weighting it should matter since this 3M glue and PEI are not compressible but stick by contact but it’s worth a try.

I’ll check out the video later, thanks again.

I have my PEI mounted on Boro glass and also an aluminum disk for even heating also. Make sure you wipe down the surface of the PEI also and it should help. The PEI is not compressible, but the glue underneath is. Its relatively thick and the material will press down. The trick with another layer or glass and some heavy weight is to ensure that its bonded at temperature. You have to heat the bed while you apply the force. I’m glad the shiny side is working a little better for you. You might had some trapped bubbles on the first try and that expanded enough to lift the PEI sheet. Keep us posted.

Hi @ShadowX the PEI sheet I’ve ordered apparently is self-adhesive - are you saying I should use the 3M tape instead of this self-adhesion (it’s 3M - you can see the logo in the picture)?

I was also intending to put the PEI directly onto the bed - is putting it onto the glass a better idea (actually happier to do this as it’d make removal/replacement easier and allow me to use multiple beds).

What did you get, I am interested in the adhesive already on it?

I don’t know what type of adhesive they used for your PEI Sheet. If its 3M 468MP, that is the preferred material. It will retain adhesion at least up to 100C on a print bed. Some of the other adhesives may not be rated for the high temperatures. The 3M material is usually labeled on the backing tape. If the sheet already has the backing tape, you should just use that for now. If you find out that it has problems at higher temperature due to delamination, then you should remove the PEI and use the 3M tape.

Sticking directly to glass is fine. You may have to raise the temperature up slightly or wait a bit longer until the top layer gets up to temperature. Compared to glass, you can actually use a lower temperature for PLA than plain glass. At around 40C, my print is already sticking well. I used a thermocouple thermometer to measure the actual bed temperature on top since I have a high power heater and the thermistor is on the aluminum heat spreader. I have a old kapton heater layer, glass, adhesive, and then the PEI sheet. Its not the preferred method, but its a pain for me to get the old kapton heater off so I left it there.

@wirlybird this one:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B018G59B82 1

Seemed like a good deal as it’s big enough to cover the FF Pro bed twice. If you look at the close-up photo you can see “3M” branding on the back. Should arrive tomorrow or the next day (I ordered the last one, hence the long delivery time shown now on that page) and I’ll report back once fitted and tested.

OK… another update. I’ve just completed my first print on my new PEI sheet and… it’s “OK”, but not perfect. There was some very slight warping to one corner of the model, not huge, but enough that I can’t send it out to the customer. The print was ABS, bed temp 90C, absolutely no adhesive at all, so it was a tough test.

I’m now printing another part at 100C bed (my normal ABS temp, I reduced it in the first test as a… test) so we’ll see how that goes. I’d rather not use any adhesive, but I’m thinking a tiny spray of adhesive will probably make it 100% warp free.

Anyway, so far it’s pretty good and I’m sure will be excellent for PLA, but it’s certainly not perfect first time…

You have to bump up temp for ABS. With all the layers of thermal resistance of glass, adhesive and even the PEI, the top of the bed may be 15C less than the temp on the heated bed.

I gave up on it for now. The expense and effort was not worth it. It still isn’t working well for ABS. I get much better results with hair spray or glue stick on glass and the effort really is minimal.

I need to get thinner glass to try again with mounting the PEI or make yet another shim!

16 days later

I might have a solution for you :slight_smile: There’s a 3D printing adhesive called Magigoo that works pretty well with heated beds because it sticks when the bed is hot and when it cools it releases the print almost by itself. If you’re printing ABS or PLA I’m sure it will do just fine. you can find it on magigoo.com

I hope I helped a little.
