Hi Guys,
How do I combat this warpage of a thing. Its ruining my print and almost driving me nuts.
I have lowered bed temp. Stopped fan at first layer etc. Nothing seems to work.
BTW, I use a raft for adhesion, so its stuck to the bed but as the print builds it warps gradually.
It would be nice if people posting a problem would give a better description of their problem.
This sounds a bit like: “My car doesn’t work properly” and then expect your mechanic to instantly be able to diagnose your problem and know the way to fix it.
What printer are you using?
What material are you printing with.
What print temperature, print speed, bed temperature and cooling fan settings are you using?
Do you use a high infill percentage?
Do you use some kind of adhesive to hold your print to the printbed. Tape? Gluestick? ABS-slurry? Hairspray/3DLac/Dimafix etc.
Is your printbed properly calibrated?
Thanks for the note.
I use the Atlas 3D printer.
Filament: PLA
Extruder temp: 210 deg. Cel.
Bed Temp: 60 deg. Cel.
For this test cube, I used an infill of 20%. But in normal cases I use 40-50%.
I use a raft of 2 bottom layers and 1 top layer, so I sometimes do not need to use glue as the raft sticks to the bed.
Ok, thanks for the update.
Basically, for printing just PLA you should not need a printbed temp of 60 degrees. Normally 40-45 degrees is more than enough.
Also, a raft for most PLA prints is not necessary, unless the surface area is very small.
A raft is made of the same material, so if you normally need some kind of glue and/or tape, the raft needs the same treatment as the normal print without a raft.
On my printers I use a light spray of 3D Lac, works well with most materials except nylon.
Will adjust and see if this helps.
Will keep you posted.
Actually adjusted the bed temp to 45 deg and it worked.
Will get the spray.