Hi,my cocoon create or wanhao i3 has developed a problem. It is now only printing in the upper left of the print board. I formatted the sd card as thought it may be corrupt but did not make any difference. I then uninstalled Cura and then reinstalled Cura and reloaded new STL files ensuring they were centre on the print board but am having the same problem. I have homed the printer several times but now at a loss on how to fix. Any suggestions please, I must have inadvertently done something on the printer setup itself but I am at a total loss. The printer had worked perfectly for 4days 6hrs before this problem arose. I guess the problem is in the printer settings somewhere but I would love to know where,any help would be greatly appreciated.
maybe your print bed isn’t level? thats the only thing I can think of.
Check in cura on the position of your home datum. Is that isn’t in the bottom left it will throw it all off
Hi, I found the problem was indeed the settings in Cura, but in a weird way. Centre of Table check box was selected but still printed in the Home position. When I de selected Centre of Table the printer now prints in the Centre of table and not in the Home position. So all fixed but in reverse, perhaps because its working in an Apple cart? Thanks for everyone`s help on this issue. Cheers from Down Under,B
Hey There, Try giving mattercontrol a try. You can even select to keep using Cura as the slicer which imports a lot of the same wording and settings as Cura. I use mattercontrol and find it incredibly easy to move my print about the bed. It is very clear and concise. Intuitive dare i say it and free 
I only say the above because i too had Cura. I liked it but decided to break away for something a bit more intuitive and well made. I will be testing simplify shortly too.