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Jun 2015

For instance i had once printed and installed a “high vellocity fan duct” but it destroyed the prints instead of being an improvment :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve added a heated bed, and replaced the standard hot-ends with decent ones. Quite happy with them and more coming :slight_smile:

Actually I’m pretty happy with the results while printing pla on a buildtak surface, not with abs. Velleman says you can print abs on it but I’m not convinced, never did achieve repeatable successful prints…

I find BuildTak preety disappointing, even though I’m printing with velleman’s white PLA it does’t seem to stick very well :confused:

so I’m endlessly wasting the matirial on brims and rafts.

Most of the time, i fold a piece of 80g paper in 2, and use that for height calibration. Most of the time some finetuning is necessary, sometimes I stop the print and adjust the setting screw on the back 1/8 - 1/4 of a turn, or I make the adjustments on the go with the setscrews on the bottom of the bed while the printer is still printing a skirt.

It’s been a while since I used buildtak, but was quite happy with it so i bought another one to replace the first. I tried to print ABS without a heated bed but the abs just doesn’t adhere good to the buildtak when its not heated. You can also use the sticker with a heated bed, but one time i tried to loosen a piece which was quite high and had a small base at the bottom. No issues there as the print was fine but when i tried get the piece of the bed, a bit of the sticker broke off and was stuck on the print. The sticker had seen some abuse at the spot that broke though,.

My personal conclusion: It’s great but its not ‘the’ adhesion solution as it is advertised. But you can do nice things with the glass without the sticker on it.

Hi Matt,

On thingiverse I have downloaded and printed the Z axis stabilizer.

with kind regards


15 days later

A custum heatbed.

Top bearing for Z axis. (to eliminate noise when traveling. And add support)

Printed the shield for the display electronics.

Playing around with a 90mm fan mounted horizontal under the buttom, for cooling the mainboard. Instead of the flimsy 40mm fan.

It works ok, but i am going to replace it with a 80mm. Fan instead.

I will post it on thingiverse when satisfied.

3 months later