Hi all.
I have a .ASC pointcloud file (each line is just X Y Z R G B as shown on a SF help page) and an OBJ file that I want to combine into the same model on sketchfab. I’ve tried uploading both files adding a sketchfab.zbrush file to the selected file uploads as well as putting all files in a zip file. the result is that the OBJ file shows up but i don’t see the point cloud.
The intent is that the point cloud is the “shell” and the OBJ is the “skeleton” of the shell. I need to keep the OBJ as it’s drawing solid lines and I can’t replace with an equivalent point cloud.
I have a version of the pointcloud structure as OBJ but the file size is gigantic because of triangles and faces and lots of vertexes.
Any help is much appreciated!
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