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Jan 2016

Only 6 hubs (myself included) reviewed it this year. It finished top with 9.2 but obviously not enough reviews to be considered for the list.

It is an amazing printer. I’ve has a few and I still have an Up Mini and a CEL Robox but the UP BOX is in a different league. I think next year, when more printers are out there, it could be the outright winner on 3D Hubs.

I should add that mine runs all day long with hardly any maintenance.


have had the UpBox for about 8 months, and the only problem I’ve had was with the extruder which was replaced under warranty (the nozzle was the wrong material and got seriously blocked), apparently a fault they new about.

Otherwise no complaints, have had no problems using PLA, just use the settings. have also tried flexible and that worked too, just be careful with the temperature.

more than happy with the UpBox thinking about getting another to work alongside.


1 month later

Thanks for the advice! I recently got a 0.4mm drill bit so I guess I can experiment with dropping the nozzle. I have seen everyone talking about PEI so I may try that out - what would you do? Remove all the screws from the aluminum block, attach glass and then the PEI? That sounds appealing because for the life of me I can’t get zeros across the board with the Up Box platform.