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21 / 23
Oct 2015

0.05mm I would say is fine…i print at this height a lot when the physical print size is very small. I have an Ultimaker 2 and it doesn’t miss a beat at this height! i would agree partially that “Reprap” style printers may struggle at this layer height but the more expensive end of the market should be perfectly ok at this.

True points. Keep in mind that you could add any type of printer, not just FDM. I expect we would do an update soon, linking resolutions to printer types. This is currently not possible just yet

@ Good points! Here I go:

The tabulated approach for the different resolutions should be extended to the material level as well

I understand the issue, will check with UX and Devs what is possible

The new ways of price calculation look really intriguing and are something that I greatly value. But some settings seem quite cryptic to me and I would appreciate some more information on how they actually work.

please see: https://www.3dhubs.com/talk/thread/feature-update-hub-pricing

For example, what happens when somebody would like to place an order below the minimum value?

The price the customer will see, bumps up to your minimum. You will not receive orders below this point

When I apply multiple ways of calculating part price, which one will the customer end up seeing? The most expensive?

They add up, so if you add multiple features, you will increase your price. Of course you can tweak to take a bit of pricing from multiple features.

At this point I still feel like material used is the way to calculate cost, so the fact that I can only change the final price and not the volume may look quite arbitrary to customers.

I’m not sure if I understand this one. Can you elaborate on what you feel is missing? thanks!