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May 2016

Thanks - and thank you for the rest of your earlier reply -I didn’t respond about that before but I now have several things to try.



Hi Greg,

It definitely looks like a malfunction of your electronics. I would suggest to try and print over USB, rather than using the SD card slot. You can print over USB by changing this settings in Cura: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life If you then connect the printer via the USB cable, the “save to sd card” button in Cura will change to a “print over usb” button.

I don’t think the board or steppers are overheating, like numerous people are saying. If that would be the case you’d see shifted layers, rather than a complete crash of the printer. Of course it’s possible you’re experiencing multiple issues at the same time.

If you do decide to replace the electronics, I’ve got a spare electronics board which I’m willing to sell for a reasonable price :slight_smile:

This is the younger of my 2 printers. I bought it second hand, but it was only 2 months old and had less than 200 hours on it at the time. That was a few month ago. It has been working fine since then, and would theoretically still be in warranty but I don’t have a proof of purchase.