Does anyone know of a good USA based distributor for an Ultimaker 2 heater block? Mine is pretty worn out and im starting to get inconsistent prints from it so I think its time to change it over. I have a feeling there is somewhere in the USA that has one but does anyone have any ideas? Only reason why I would prefer a USA distributor is shipping cost/transit time. I checked Ebay but that was Chinese knock-offs and I don’t know what kind of quality that stuff can be!
If there isn’t one in the USA ill order it from Ultimaker I just wanted to check before I did!
My company, fbrc8 LLC, is the official Ultimaker Assembly and Support partner for the US. In addition to building most of the printers for the US, and providing warranty support, we carry the full range of parts and filaments. Shipping is fast and free on orders over $75. Visit to order.
Hey @CWCrawlers ,
if you don’t mind custom heater block which proves to be awesome upgrade for UM2, check this website . Widely recognized among Ultimaker users from awesome UM forum. I use this heater block too, and I can confirm its really good. Maybe @swordriff can give you more information, but im 100% sure there is US distributor of those “Olsson Block’s”.
Hope this helps!
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April 18, 2015, 6:37pm
I’ll second that, the Olsson block is a great upgrade for the UM2, i am just also trying out the new 3dsolex RSB nozzles and they seem really good so far.
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Check out the Olsson Block from . You can change or replace the nozzles. I fitted mine the other day. Overjoyed with it, I’m running a load of flow test on different filaments and I retested some of the filaments I had previously tested just the week before and not only does it allow a higher volume for temperature, and I’ve tested several PLAs from 190’ to 225’ to check, but the defination is also better for the standard 0.4mm nozzle. Depending where you are there may be somebody in the U.S. That is a stockist for them, I’d check out the Ultimaker forum when it’s relaunched on Tuesday I think, if they put back the previous forums under hack and modifications ( I think) search for Olsson or Swordriff, if you do go for it you will not regret it, you can also fit E3D-Online nozzles on it and 3DSolex are shortly bringing out a new steel one so you can use more abrasive filaments such as ColorFabb’s CF-XT etc.
its the bees knees, cats whiskers and mutts nuts rolled into one. Izzy
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I think I decided on what I’m getting! I had a similar idea but never got around to it. I get why ultimaker did what they did with a single block design but for doing a lot of abrasive filaments you need to be able to swap the nozzles out! I’m noticing mine is really worn and it’s starting to show in print quality!
They are the official U.S. presence for Ultimaker and have just started to carry spare parts.
Better price and free shipping. Shipping takes about as long as Ultimaker needs to reply their e-mails
I found somewhere in the states that has the new nozzle design and snatched it up! gr5 store - united states reseller of 3dsolex parts for ultimaker2 ultimaker2+ UM2 UM2+ Ultimaker3 UM3 Raise3D including upgrades, olsson block, nozzles, teflon isolators, ruby and steel nozzles and more.
Can’t wait to get it in and have interchangable nozzles! Thanks again guys for your speedy replies . You saved me countless hours of fiddling on something I didn’t have to :)!
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This is a good replacement for the mini - fan (25x25x6mm) on the heater block. Cheap, good and makes no noise!
April 19, 2015, 1:46am
I’m the guy who runs the gr5 store - united states reseller of 3dsolex parts for ultimaker2 ultimaker2+ UM2 UM2+ Ultimaker3 UM3 Raise3D including upgrades, olsson block, nozzles, teflon isolators, ruby and steel nozzles and more. website which is the “us/canada/mexico distributor for 3dsolex parts”. Right now I’m out of stock (and the website indicates this). I think I will change the website to order back orders. Swordriff should be sending me many more blocks on Monday (4/20) and they take about a week to get through customs and then they ship very fast from Boston area. I will probably allow back orders once Swordriff ships.
It has taken a ridiculous amount of time to get it so I don’t keep running out of blocks. Problems with suppliers and stupid other issues that are slowly getting ironed out. Hopefully in a week I will no longer ever run out again.
If you want original ultimaker parts then definitely go for .
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Ok thanks, when I was on the site it said the “full kit” was in stock, if it wasn’t its all good! I can make do with the original one for now… but I do want to get the better one soon as you get it in stock.
April 19, 2015, 11:36am
Yep, the official U.S. Supplier/Support!
its not us based.
Its china based, so the shipping fee would be 3spooky5me.