Does anybody know what causes this crack noise at 02:00 and the upcoming error message? The heat bed is a new one… resistance is measured and fine. Any help welcome!
I have to switch off and on a few times, then its working
This click sound sounds like missing steps of the Z Axis…
When I had an error from the heated bed it was because the plug connector on the board was loose. It’s odd that it happens at the same time as the noise. Could it be that the wires got caught and pulled as the bed rose?
I have to restart a few times…sometimes 5 x new start…til the bed is going up without the crack noise and the error message.
Sometimes when switching on, the error message appears directly without showing the ultimaker logo, then I disconnect the power, turn on and off , connect and start again…
All very frustrating …I reduced z motor power to 900mAh, which looks like it helps a little bit.
When the actual print is ready I will have a look if the wire is somewhere hitting the mechanic and control again the connector…keep you informed !
Had the same procedure that you describe…if it is the same, then after a while the restart won´t help you anymore. In my case it was the tempsensor of the bed. had to replace the whole heatbead. After that it works without any problem.