Hi. I have a Titan 1. When I got the printer I immediately inherited a whole bunch of problems regarding their printing vat and platform. I spent weeks re-inventing the vat as well as the print platform. I am now able to print into a glass petri dish with teflon held by a special rubber/acrylic bracket. I had to corona treat the teflon to epoxy it down on to the glass, since other self adhesive teflon sheets, in my opinion, are utterly useless. I always print onto a roughened acrylic base plate which is screwed to the original print platform. I got to say, I got pretty frustrated with resin prints not adhering on the platform. This problem has now been totally eliminated. I agree with what someone else said, this was not just a ‘plug and play’. I think the makers of the equipment were too rushed in releasing the equipment even with major faults.
On the brighter side, I can now print predictably and successfully in high detail using the correct resin all the time, and this with a fairly low priced printer.
Titan really should look into some more research and development. ‘Burning through’ a new print vat is proof of a bad design, exactly what happened to me…and I don’t think Titan should make more money out of this poorly designed flex vat. If you need any help with the Titan let me know.