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Jan 2017

Thanks for the replies folks, sorry for the delay responding, I’m moving house so it’s all a bit hectic! I’ll give the bed a light sand, I’ve got a bunch of fine papers (down to 4000).

Hi there,

I have had the same issues with the Prusa i3 Mk2 PEI sheet… and even though I still have issues with different materials sticking to a various degree I have noticed two things that perhaps are not so evident: First: window cleaner aka windex. Well there are a LOT of different compositions of window cleaner around the globe and mine e.g. had some extra “anti condensation” added which created an invisible but very noticable “non stick” surface on my PEI. I finally washed it off with a lot of water. Then I had an application where I used gluestick. After that I cleaned with IPA and Acetone BUT had severe lack of first layer adhesion problems again. The IPA and the Acetone do not in every case remove the glue but smear it around and make an invisible slippery layer on the PEI. The only thing that worked was a lot of whiping with warm water and a rag, rinsing the rag a lot and repeating. That taught me a lesson or two about the properties of the PEI surface. Now I am much more aware about what I put on the PEI and what not and how I remove what I have put on in case I have had to put something on. If I don’t put anything on I use Acetone as a cleaner to remove possible grease stains.

Still different materials do stick on the PEI to a different degree and even the color pigments added to the filament have an effect on this so good luck. Please share your info if you have success…

