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Mar 2015

We’re curious on how the community feels about Simplify3D. We’re looking to expand our community partner program and Simplify3D comes up time and time again. I personally use it and I’m a big fan - Although I haven’t play around too much with the advanced settings.

Of course there’ll be some perks involved, potentially a discount - would that appeal to you guys? Let us know your thoughts on simplify3d and other slicing software in general.


  • created

    Mar '15
  • last reply

    Mar '16
  • 7


  • 3.4k


  • 7


S3D major cons are: it is not free, not open source and there is no demo to test the product.

However, S3D is A GREAT PRODUCT. I used it for a year now and it is a much better slicer than Makerware.

  • slicing is much more quicker
  • slicing gives better results
  • you can change EVERY parameter of your print (by object, by layer)
  • you can save your parameters (i.e. : print using brassFill on a Replicator 2)
  • default parameters by printers and materials will give you a good result and a good starting point
  • you’ll be able to monitor your print if you let your computer connected to your printer

Of course, you’ll perhaps find open source softwares that will do the job. However, S3D is ready to print “out of the box” (no compilation, no parameter) and its interface is comprehensive and clear.

Since switching from Makerware to S3D back in Dec I’ve been really happy with it: I feel it’s pros outweigh its cons, but (to me) it feels like beta software: When the ‘real thing’ finally comes out it’ll be great. In the meantime though it’s still really good. Did an in-depth overview of what I find pros/cons here : Simplify3D | AK Eric 1

The other thread about slicing software should be an indication of the community opinion about S3D: Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 2

For those of us that already own it, as it comes with two seats and most use SD card export, wouldn’t have much use of a discount.

But isn’t S3D owned by MakerGear? I remember talking to the S3D rep at the MakerGear table at WMFNY. pic attached.

I wouldn’t hate discounts on hardware.

12 days later

It’s a fantastic software. One that would connect to all printers types…

8 days later

Ah, Yeah I did. I do not know if I should associate my nylon failures to Simplify3d though. I think Nylon is so hard to print because it is so hard to have the first layer stick! But I’m gonna try again though!

11 months later

I would not mind getting simplify 3d but i simply can’t afford $149. Ouch.