Awesome pictures! Would you like to choose one of the pics to enter into this competition for biggest 3D printing fail?
Hey @charles_menamin, so cool you want to be a recycling Hub! For now, we’ve enabled recycling material for Hubs to pick from the materials list, so you can advertise it to your customers. If you want to actively start to ‘produce’ recycled filament for Hubs in your area to print with, we don’t really have a model for that yet. So for now you can advertise your recycling Hub in your description and offer recycled material to print with.
btw: the gear you need to start making your own filament is a shredder and an extruder. Check out the extruder on discount on your dashboard in the perks section: Hubs | On-demand Manufacturing: Quotes in Seconds, Parts in Days
Let me know if you want to know more. Happy to talk to you any time this week. My email is
Please share your favorite share print on Instagram/Twitter as well;) (Higher chance of winning Refill)
Hi, we have been working on something like this down in Ecuador (home to the Galapagos islands, amazon rainforest, etc and thus very important to keep the plastic off the environment). Unfortunately we don’t have the technology or resources to get this going. Would you guys be interested at some point to start something like this down in Ecuador?
Hey @bramhallo! What steps Do I need to take to becoming a recycling hub for our Raleigh community in the United States! I have all the equipment needed to start recycling discarded prints and would love to assist in expanding this project!!! #recycle #raleigh
Hah, looks great, Adam
Sounds interesting, recycling old or failed prints. We already have a box or two filled with those.
How does this work because i can’t find it so quickly how the procedure is and how we have to do or deliver it.
Also we are curious about the cost for this service.
Can you please provide more information. We might be thinking about this service as well.
Mark Heiden
A little (size-wise) failure, two Marvins trying to test some new filaments and getting the temperature completely wrong. Cool glitch look anyway #REMAKE3D
BTW we are also trying to make something similar in our hackerspace, but also researching with HDPE to recycle bottle tops into 3D prints. Love to see so much people trying to move this around!
Hey Mark,
currently it’s set up as a low key awareness raiser. But you can in fact get in touch with @Jeffrey_1 from Fablab Breda, to ask if you guys can work together in recycling your pile of wasted filament. The Lab is always open and the machines available I guess.
Any plans for this in the bay area? I would love to be able to recycle my supports and so on. Do note that would need the filaments to be pre-sorted like ABS, PLA, XT and so on as most are not cross compatible!
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