So, now that the competition has ended is there a page that we should watch to see the results, or is it going to be announced just through email to the winners? Or something else lol
We will be announcing the Winner on Talk and then linking that through our Hub mails and social media. We should hopefully have decided on our winners by the end of the week.
HI everyone, just a heads up that the winners have been announced Congrats to all participants and thanks for taking part in this! Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 1
I didn’t enter this contest so my my beef is not about not winning. No offense to the winner, but I wasn’t impressed with the first place winner. It’s just a bowl with and hold in it and a lid and a printed gear. The rest is electronics that was purchased and assembled. That’s what won this contest in my opinion. All the other winners made their project completely from plastic. This is about 3D printing and I feel all entries should be made entirely of plastic. Maybe in the future you can have a class that includes plastic and other electrical or mechanical devices.