Yay! The long awaited 3D Printer Guide 2 is now live, so it’s official: you’re the owner of one of the 2016 awesome finalists in the Kit/DIY 2 3D Printers category!
Thank you all again for contributing to the most comprehensive 3D Printer Guide.
Now here’s the thing: share your best 3D print on your awesome 3D printer, so the entire community here on Talk can see exactly what these printers can do
Here are the best Kit/ DIY 3D printers, together with their ratings:
- Rostock Max: 9.1
- Prusa Steel: 9.1
- Mendel 90: 8.9
- Ultimaker Original+: 8.8
Got any feedback, ideas, or suggestions? Drop us a note in the comments below.
PS: For everyone in the US, Happy Thanksgiving!