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Jul 2017

Here are the updated images of the latest prints with support set to ‘surround’, what a difference the proper support settings make! Thank you for your great responses, I appreciate the help very much! I also used the ‘enhanced’ print setting for surface detail, not sure it was needed. On a final note, I picked the support material out as opposed to properly dissolving it away. I have a commercial grade ultrasonic cleaner at work but it does me no good when I am at home.

Any good tips on a home remedy type way of dissolving support material used on the Dimension sst line of printers?? I read somewhere sodium hydroxide could be used, isn’t that something like drano?? Not sure, just thinking from the top of my head, but any hidden gems you all might have for soluble support removal would be great to hear about! Thanks again! -John

you can buy stainless heated ultrasonic tanks on ebay for very cheap these days. and a 2.5% by weight mix of sodium hydroxide granuals (drain cleaner) and a squirt of dish soap to act as a wetting agent will do the trick. set to about 70c and leave for 6-8 hours. do wear the propper protective gear as chem burns are not fun at all.

Thank you for the info, I just ordered a 4.5L on ebay for less than a 100 bux, can’t go wrong there if it works! :). I can’t wait to try the sodium hydroxide method with dish soap, if that works I will be much more efficient with being able to clean some of these supports at home which is a huge bonus. Thank you! -John