Hi there, I just have a quick query about my hub. I registered on 3D hubs a few months ago and was getting a couple of orders every few weeks, but now I have had nothing for around 3 months. I’m not sure whether something broke or not, And I’m not sure what to do or how to check if there’s something wrong with my Hub? I had to fix up a PayPal issue a while back so had to redo the PayPal account check on 3D Hubs, maybe that has done something? Other than that I have not touched anything major in my account. Any help appreciated.
Hi Alexis,
This is Nahla here from 3D Hubs. I have had a quick look at your Hub and the main reason why you might be seeing a decline in orders is because of the Completion rate. Declining too many order can take a toll on your Hubscore leading to a decline in orders.
What I can recommend is trying to better your response time as well as completion rate for new orders. In addition if you can add any new services, material or even colors that might help get more orders your way.
I hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out to the support team should you have any questions.
Nahla - 3D Hubs
I thought that might be a possibility and I didn’t realise it affected my hub that much, in reality only 2 or 3 I had to decline due to not being able to print it and the others were sorted out with the clients for example they changed their minds or wanted it sooner and just left the order pending rather than cancelling on their side (which I assume they can do) so I cancelled the order on my side. Is there any way I can start getting orders again to fix this because I was doing really well with customers and prints and ratings?