Hi everyone,
I used to receive many orders on the hub , sometime even more than I could handle and had to decline.
But since last one week I haven’t secured any, is everyone in new york community facing same issues?
Hi @dhavalshub ,
I looked into your Hub and all printers seem to be online! So no problems there. Maybe this Talk thread gives you some more insight? Talk Manufacturing | Hubs
Thanks Dom, You are right but I was just surprised with no incoming orders. Anyways I have applied for address verification and haven’t got the mail yet so is it possible that my hub is not listed till its completed?
May 13, 2016, 1:18am
Out of curiousity Do you happen to have several large orders pending payment?
Nope I don’t have any. Are you facing similar issue?
May 13, 2016, 2:38am
I have seen periods of a week or more with no new custimer activity followed by the usual barrage. I assumed it was related to 3D hubs marketing cycles. I have also noticed that my orders and inquiry’s decline as the pending prints and payouts stack up a bit. I was wondering if there was some anti-fraud thing with 3d hubs trying limit exposure. Could be coincidence or being to busy to correctly correlate these things.
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Must be the marketing cycles!
I was receiving more orders even when I had lots of pending orders and other pay outs, it might be the case that new hubs are promoted a little extra to give everyone a fair chance. I think 3d hubs should allow hub to hub collaboration, in this way there can be a group of hubs who can share the print load if its more and I think these hub groups will make sure that each hub can produce a similar and consistent quality print as everyone else in the group.
September 11, 2016, 12:40am
I just realized today that it’s been 3 months since my last order, despite a few thousand views - interesting that I’m not alone with this issue. Has anyone seen an increase in their volume of orders over the summer?