I just got my FFCP and I was printing my first part and just happened to feel the x and y axis motors. they felt way hot for my liking, so I got out my IR temp gun and shot them. The X motor was at 136f and the y motor was at 146f. are these motor temps to hot or am I just being a freak
Quite normal, though I don’t like the temps they get either but the same on many printers including my Finders and Ultimaker. Zortrax motors always stay cool but then printing is not as quick. If you slow the print speed down you should find the temps will drop accordingly.
I usually follow this guideline, if you can touch the motor with the back of your hand for at least 5s without it causing too much pain, then the temperature is within limits.
I don’t know if any of these are an option for you, but here’s what I did:
- Tuned the stepper driver current vref
- Added fans - my Y axis lugs more weight than X, it also runs hotter, probably related. I added a small fan to the stepper, same kind as they use on graphics cards in PCs.
I personally purchased 5x5 mm heat sinks with 3M glue for all the steppers on my Replicator 2X… they do tend to get really hot at times… but that’s only because I do prints right after prints… so these heat sinks allow faster cooling into the chamber… but overall they will get really hot and there’s nothing anyone can do about it lol! unless you run hydro-cooling on each stepper… but money wise it doesn’t speak to me…