Alright, my print finally finished so I can finally post it! A Death Star snack bowl since it’s easy to print and it seems like an item most people would use. Print for a small movie get together! At the printed size it holds about a 6 oz bag of candy, sits very sturdily with no supports used in Cura.
I’ve been checking your work since I got my first 3D printer, and the way your models were displayed was so professional (especially the box!) I got confused more than once thinking it was an official product. You’ve got my vote!
This is not my design, however I thought this may be a good place to share the an outstanding example of what can be done with the 3dhubs community. I printed this for a customer from 3d hubs on our replicator 2, and our client did an amazing job of the finishing the model.
So let this be motivation for all the contest entrants, and makers alike.
Here is a bust of a Duras species I designed in Sculptris. These characters were in several of the movies (Mos Eisley Cantina), the Clone Wars series, and in Battlefront games. Andy-3 Plovers Studios Duros_Bust_3PS.stl (1.08 MB)