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Feb 2016

Alright, my print finally finished so I can finally post it! A Death Star snack bowl since it’s easy to print and it seems like an item most people would use. Print for a small movie get together! At the printed size it holds about a 6 oz bag of candy, sits very sturdily with no supports used in Cura.

Death Star bowl.stl (1.61 MB)

I’ve been checking your work since I got my first 3D printer, and the way your models were displayed was so professional (especially the box!) I got confused more than once thinking it was an official product. You’ve got my vote!

Hi Everyone.

I designed this Rebel X-wing pilot helmet for Star Wars secret cinema last summer, please excuse the rough finish I was on a pretty tight time scale.

I hope you like it.

P.S. it was my excuse to build my Prusa i3, I’m sure it would be much nicer from an Ultimaker :wink:

You can download the models from youmagine here: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/rebel-x-wing-pilot-helmet 5