Hey @basbr, welcome to 3D Hubs Talk
Fancy an internship at 3D Hubs? Then have a look here and hit @Filemon with an email if interested: Hubs. Cheers!
hi gabriela,
thanks for the reply, but im looking for a internship as a electrical engineer. 3D hubs is looking mostly for community managers and IT developers. but thanks for the suggestion anyway, ill keep looking.
No worries, @basbr! I was actually thinking about this one, but anyway it’s not an electrical engineer position for sure: https://jobs.lever.co/3dhubs/ba8c000e-74d2-4cd5-88ed-2b9b66f5c8b3.
Good luck with your search!
A bit late, but Leapfrog (lpfrg.com) in Alphen a/d Rijn always has internships for engineering students.
ha, thanks but i already got a internship at http://printr.com/
thanks for the suggestion anyway ill keep them in mind for the next time.
ha, thanks but i already got a internship at http://printr.com/
thanks for the suggestion anyway ill keep them in mind for the next time.