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Mar 2017

@Filemon Thanks for removing that. That takes care of my #2 issue, of customers seeing that when they were repeat customers to my hub.

Hey Filemon,

I’m usually not a grammar nitpicker (at least not to other people!), but the change you made on the Accept or Decline page (see the attached jpeg) - shouldn’t it read “or the customer and I have agreed…” rather than “or me and the customer have agreed…”


@filemon, will we ever get all our materials back? Many of us (prototyping) FDM printers went through the trouble to enter in different exotic filaments, i.e. flexible, woodfill, metalfill, etc. and now customers cannot see those unless the customer already knows in advance to specifically search for them.

At the very least, can those be put back in the drop-down list AFTER a customer chooses a hub so they at least get some clue that those are options?

They are not listed anywhere else. With all the debate about FDM vs. SLA/SLS etc., all those other materials have been quietly removed.

10 months later

didn’t get any orders in months :frowning:
seems like something is horrible wrong since the new material selector…