I want to print a project that is a ring with an embossed symbol (attached) and I wanted to know if 3d printers could print overhangs that protrude around 1 to 2 mm without any support, like in my model
insignia_ring.stl (42.1 KB)
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February 22, 2017, 9:05am
Hi @ketchupmaster a decent printer (and operator!) should have no problems with that model; are you looking to use this as a mold for casting?
Hi @ketchupmaster
I could do this on the Envisiontec perfactory for you if you wanted to check my Hub. You may need to save the stl file at a higher resolution, as it’s a bit faceted at the moment.
Best regards
It’s not a mold but I thought it would be cool and a simple build to make a ring like the ones that are used to stamp wax seals on letters and stuff
It actually took like 3-4 hours to design in TinkerCAD but I am really proud with the end result
I am actually planning to get a 3D printer and print this myself. Also, what do you mean by faceted? If you are referring to the bevel on the edges of the ring and on the ring face itself that was intentional.
I’ve attached a view of the facets on the ring face, if this is intentional that’s fine.
Yep, that’s what I was referring to! Doing that took me a while, I’ll say for sure
This model will likely print fine on any printer that is tuned well. I would be sure to check the slicer settings to ensure that the embossed symbol portion doesn’t contain and layer endpoints. Perhaps making the layer end in a place that is easy to sand / finish.
Good luck with it, the model looks great!
-The Koob