Hey All,
I’ve been playing around with a Maker Bot Replicator and everything runs (relatively) smoothly. However, My one hang up is the slice times on OS X and the latest version of Makerbot Deskop / Makeware are incredibly long.
Exporting the stl to x3g using the most up to date Makerware on my Mac can take hours.
On my dualbooted Windows it takes a couple of minutes with the same model.
I was wondering if anybody had encountered this problem before and what their solution was?
Hi @Alex3DHubs , that’s a very good question! I’m curious to finding more about it myself. Maybe @Cinter , @GloomySparker , @Christian_CAD or @Matterthings might be able to help? Cheers
November 13, 2014, 12:17pm
Hi Alex,
I have not encountered this problem but I am using MakerWare version; perhaps you should try this version on your Mac?
My colleague is using the latest version on a Mac and it is fine; perhaps it is worth un-installing current MakerWare and re-installing.
Hope this helps.
Hey James,
Thanks for the good advice. I tried that, but still the same issue. After reading some reviews I decided to purchase the Simplify3d software. Took 10 seconds to slice. I can also manually add supports and do repairs. No more dual booting for me! Wish they had a trial version though.
November 13, 2014, 5:40pm
Maybe @AtomJaay , @Christian_CAD , @Stefan_10 , or @Luuk can help here?
I also had some issues using Makerware on Mac OS X… I heard about Simplidy3D and decided to buy it. I am completely satisfied. The slicer is really fast and effective. Some Fairphone cases I printed with Makerware and S3D were really more beautiful with S3D.
S3D gives you the opportunity to modify many aspects of your prints… by layer or by object.
S3D has also a sliced print preview which is a must.
Yo Gang! I have one that for the first run ( with 10% infill took overnight to run- i just went to bed! Here’s a soild, which took about an hour to run- I’ve also found that 2.4 is the ‘master controller’