I want to print plaques for my research with SLA method. The resolution I expect is 0.03 mm.

This machin can do that. 3D Printers | Desktop, Professional and Industrial | EnvisionTEC

Is there any company who can help me printing my plaques?

The file size is up to 500 Mbytes.



Hello Faizun

we can help you print this file just pop over to my hub. we have the best SLA Desktop Machine that can go down to 25 microns. My hub https://www.3dhubs.com/new-orleans/hubs/sunshine-prototyping

Sunshine prototyping’s Hub

I can help. Send STL file to tasib@sbcglobal.net

My machine Envisiontec can print 0.025 mm. Contact. B1serve. Puttipat.k@gmail.com

My machine is Envisiontec perfactory III Standard UV. I can provide this service. Please contact me and mail to mhtsai59@ms21.hinet.net ----- Richard Tsai

If you haven’t got your stuff printed yet on the Envisiontec, I can do it for you, with either Epic Green or EC3000. If your looking for another material, please advise, as I know other non hubbers that can help too.

Please upload your medel to The Jewelers Bench, and I will advise.



I can print from envisiontec Perfactory.

I want to size W * H * L?


Thank You.


If you’re still looking and interested, I have an Envisiontec Perfactory.

Best regards


AG Prototypes