Have you seen this? You can upload 3D animations to Sketchfab - that’s really cool! What was the best is this :
Alban was scanned and made to dance Gangnam style. This is amazing! I was breaking my head on how they did it. I was imagining him being scanned in 100 different positions, but that’s just ridiculous.
Obviously, they just animated him even though I have no clue how they did it. I love it so much and want to do this as well and want to see how difficult it is to do this.
Check out some other cool animations already on sketchfab as well:
Do you think we can use this for some purpose related to 3D printing as well? For example to show how a possible model can move.
How would you use it?
Nice one, Arnie!
@bartv any clue on how they did Alban’s animation? 
Haha, yeah! We scanned him with a Structure and ItSeez3D, and then uploaded his scan to Mixamo. On Mixamo you can rig it and browse their motion capture library. We can pretty much make our CEO do anything we want now 
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Haha nice, we’ll try it too
Cheers, Bart!
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Gold! Thanks for sharing it in here