Hello everyone,
Great to see some interest. i think an informal meet up would be great. Just discuss ideas and what tech people are currently using.
As advised if Jetcubed already have community set up then I am going to speak with them about arranging a meet or setting up an open event for amateurs.
I think there are quite a few people that would be interested, Im going to spread the word and if anyone else would like to do the same we will get some heads together!
Hope to see you all soon
There is a company in Sheffield called WeDo3DPrinting and they know all there is to know when it comes to events. I get all my bits there and they are great for advice such as this as they attend loads of events. Maybe give them a try. Darren is the guy I know well there.
Hi all. can host a meeting at ours if needed? in Sheffield S4 7SA
After 5pm would be best what days are good for people?
We Do 3D Printing.
Thurs is always good for me, could do with popping in and getting some more filament as it is.
Hi Darren. If others agree a day then I will also attend. Roy. Thursday would be good for me too.
April 6, 2016, 5:45pm
I am sure I could attend , just depends on the day/date
Great news,
Can we do it at your place then Darren? On a Thursday evening in a few weeks time? 28th April?
Could give us a bit of time to get an idea of numbers and a bit of an outline for the meet?
If everyone wants to bring model / idea / printer they are currently working on?
Nice to get a good response from everyone. Will try and spread the word around.
Hey Darren this is a great idea for the meetup as you told me about it today as i popped in for a new nozzle for works flashforge
ps guys if u need 3d printing supplies i highly reccomend WeDo3DPrinting everytime i have been there darren has always bveen friendly and a massive help
thanks a bunch by the way darren!
also let me know when the meetup is!
28th at 17:00. I’ll be there.
I will bring my latest 3D printer build that I am working on depending on how far I get with it.
What would be great is if everyone brings in their favourite print so far. Even if it is a mounting bracket that turned out well. Just so we can compare how well prints are coming out.
See you all soon!
Reserve a place for me please
so is the date for 28th confirmed?
Hi Darren
Are we up for setting the 28th in stone at your place?
We have about 8 / 9 people looking interested. Im going to try and message everyone along with anyone else that might be interested.
28th seems like a good date.
Not 100% confirmed but will try and sort it ASAP, going to contact Darren direct.
Yeah if people want to bring favourite / best prints.
Also for the modders, bring your best mods and anyone building a printer, would love to see them! (Im not one of these people really but would like to get a bit more involved)
As before, if you know anyone else that might be interested then get them involved.
Hi all, Thursday 28th of April is fine with us, if you want to bring a printer let me know to we can make enough desk space, be good to get a rough idea on number of people too.
Start around 5pm - 530pm
Many Thanks,
I will be there. I will bring my current printer that I am building as well as any nice prints (If I have any LOL)
See you around 5pm.
Is there a general plan for this? I hope to make it but may have to skip at the last minute to pick the little lad up if the wife isn’t back in time.
By what I have been told so far there could be a fair few turning up. I will DEFINITELY be there at about 17:00.
Just turn up. Bring the little fella too. I am sure he will love what Darren and the rest have been up to.
I will be bring my part finished 3D printer to show what can be done on a low budget if you have time at weekends to develop it. I will even write up the procedure if anyone is interested.
Seriously, anyone who wants to know more or already knows enough and wants to make contacts, just turn up. The address is below.
See you all tonight!!
I can only imagine the chaos a 23 month old would cause.
As said, I hope to be there, don’t really have anything to bring but I’m sure that doesn’t really matter.
I only have a few models to bring, but should just be interesting to see what people are doing.
I will be able to get there at 5:30. Still not sure of numbers but I think we will have a few people hopefully!
It’s a shame I missed this! If I had known I would have gone… Did the event go well? Wouldn’t mind going to something like this