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Nov 2016

Hi everyone

I’m setting the Marlin firmware to flash it on a Megatronics v3 (my leapfrog board doesn’t works anymore.

I’d need to know some info to set it properly so I hope someone of you may help me.


do you know the specs of thermistor and heater cartrige? Wich option should I set on Configuration.h?

same thing for the bed, for the Vref on A4988 drivers (the original board comes with DRV8825), step/mm for all the axis and extruder.

I’ll probably will ask for some more info but for now that’s all.

Thank you.

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    Nov '16
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    Mar '17
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I’ve done exactly the same thing. I can send you a customized Marlin Firmware for Megatronics v3, but I urge you to download the correct firmware version for your printer’s original board and copy and paste those values.

The stepper driver’s should all be set for 1/16th step for all the NEMA 17 steppers and 1/32th for the NEMA 21. The z-axis magnetic end-stop should connect the the Z- (-) plug. As long as the firmware is configured correctly it should all work as before.

PM me if you need any more help.


I had the same issue, i replaced that board 3 times, than finaly i switched to ramps1.4. The temp sensor settings is as follows for the leapfrog Creatr:

#define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1
#define TEMP_SENSOR_1 1
#define TEMP_SENSOR_2 0

as far as the motor drivers i had trouble with the A4988 drivers not capable to delever enough current to the Z and was getting too hot on the Y axis since it was powering 2 motors. so i ended up buying the DRV8825 modules which are pin compatible to the A4988 module but can deliver more current.

than it worked like a charm.

hope this is helpfull.

Rafic Bsat.

Thank you Antonio and Rafic, I’ll follow your suggestions.

I’ve found the firmware of reference for my printer here

I’ve downloaded it and I’ve copied the parameters on the last version of Marlin, downloaded form github

Because I’m going to use some e3D v6 full metal extruder I’ve put a quite high max temp for the extruders (310°C) to print technical materials, I hope the thermistor will handle the temp (otherwise I’ll find a different solution). I’ve red somewhere that the e3D thermistor doesn’t handle temps above 295°C: any suggestion to swap it?

Another thing I’ve to verify is the step per unit; I’ve put the same value of the Creatr original fw but using A4988 so what I expect is that moves will be doubled. One more time is something to verify. (at the end I’ll use DRV8825 as soon as I recieve them).

I hope this topic may grow to be helpful for more people; unfortunatelly the system doesn’t allows to upload zip folders; if it has not been done so long I’ll fork Marlin for Megatronics v3/Creatr on github asap so anyone can find and contribute there :wink:

Hi Antonio, thanks for your help.

On the original leapfrog board there was 3 jumpers that set the DRV8825 at 1/32 step. With this configuration the step per mm on the fw were set as follows

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 33.33*4, 33.33*4, 9600/5, 55.465*4} // default steps per unit for creatr with spindles

Now I’m going to test A4988 (because I’ve just that drivers right now); I should halve those values to work properly, isn’t it?

From where comes from that 33.33? and what’s that 4?

Why the X/Y values are so different from the E value?

9600 means that the NEMA21 is a 300step per revolution right? it’s a deduction but there’s no trace of labels on motors.

Thank you for your support.

4 months later