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Dec 2016

Thanks, I’ll give this a shot. I have not been using ABS juice, just letting it use the blue stuff on the QIDI bed (realizing I failed to mention I’m using the QIDI Tech 1 version). Seems to stick to the bed OK. Just that dang overhang!

Thanks @ChrisX35…believe it or not I’m actually printing a 3DBenchy with your QIDI ABS right now!

Had trouble in the beginning with the first layer so I removed the 0.05mm z-Axis offset you added (noted that in your comments) but that still didn’t help so I set the initial layer height to 150% and the first layer width to 125% and that fixed it.

Was surprised to see you had cooling at 70%. Will let you know how it turns out. Thanks!

Believe it or not the settings work great with my QIDI but every printer is different that’s why you run test prints and tweak things accordingly. I run my fan at a reduced speed because of overcooling issues and the part will warp or split.

Good luck

Thanks. The Benchy turned out pretty good so your settings are a known quantity for me now at least with the ABS filament alone. I was going to try adding back in the HIPS on the left extruder but instead right now I’m trying the part at a 45-degree angle on its end with a brim. Doesn’t require any supports at all that way and so far the brim is holding it down. We’ll see!

Hi @Tech3design what I’ve done in the past with problem supports is make my own, completely solid. I’d take the part into your preferred editor and create a separate solid for the overhang space (a box and some boolean subtraction should do it), then print that bit with HIPS (i.e. don’t use any supports in S3D, just effectively dual-printing). Of course you’ll need to soak it to remove, but you’re ready for that anyway.

Good luck, looks like a nightmare piece!

Thanks for the tip, that’s not a bad idea. Two things, your user name is funny, and that last comment is so true. I was just telling my wife last night that on initial glance it looks like just a basic, simple geometric shape - easy print. But dang, that tiny little overhang has really been a PITA! If the part were larger it would be a lot easier but as small as it is nightmare is right!

Thanks again.

I want to first thank everyone who responded to my post. Everyone had great suggestions and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to try helping me out. I think I’ve solved my printing issue and am posting it as a separate comment as opposed to a specific reply.

@ChrisX35 - Special thanks to you for your QIDI FFF that you had posted on Thingiverse (@TTB_Studios - I tried yours too but it seemed to be specific to the FF and didn’t work on my QIDI - seriously appreciate your sharing).

I used that ‘QIDI ABS’ profile to print a 3DBenchy to see how it would turn out. Came out pretty good so it was a known quantity. I figured I’d just modify that to add the HIPS to the left extruder and work my way back to using both materials.

What I decided to do instead was flip the part to a 45-degree angle and see if it would print that way. I used a brim because there was almost none of the part touching the build plate but it held the part down (also set the first layer width and height up to help stick). At 45-degrees it shouldn’t need any supports at all theoretically. I also had to rotate it 90-degrees so the ridges were facing the cooling fans otherwise the far side didn’t look so hot.

Below is a shot of the final result… Still need to do a little cleanup on the parts but they actually came out pretty good I think. Again, thank you to everyone who offered advice. I really appreciate your time.

The other great thing about ABS is how it can be glued to itself with just some acetone. You can print separate overhang and glue it into place later.