My first printer was a cartesian folgertech from ebay that I assembled myself. I connected it to reprap and I was able to print the first day.
Now I bought a Delta Micromake D1. Finished assembling it, it powers on and moves when I press calibrate etc. When I go to print, it doesn’t do anything, sometimes it may do a dry run (this is printing off SD by the way). I can’t get this thing to even heat up the extruder. I tried connecting it to Reprap but it assumes that the Printer has a heated bed (which doesnt’) so it comes across an error that needs G-code to fix (I don’t know anything about G-code). I tried installing cura but cura only lets me slice objects, doesn’t really connect to my printer. Any ideas please? Thank you!
Yes I did, actually what It was was that the printer will not work with regular cura, you have to go to a chinese website and get the “micromake” version of the cura, which is similar but has the printer under settings. Problem is now that it won’t print because it says “Heated bed defect sensor error” or something along those lines but I don’t have a heated bed and heated bed is not checked under settings. Then it says printer set to dry run until restart. No idea what to do now…
When I read that I thought to myself sounds like the printer is waiting for the bed or hotend to reach temperature. It’s easy enough to fix but your going to have to change your firmware settings… is it marlin? Basically you want to disable the heated bed in the firmware or change the minimum bed temperature to 0 (disabling the bed would be best) You might also want to check your slicing software and make sure that there isn’t a setting for bed temperature (you can usually just set it to zero)